[By the way, are you tired yet of everything new being called "2.0"? I am, such as Web 2.0, which by the way has
82 million pages on Google. And here I am using the "2.0" moniker, so I am as guilty as anyone.] In any event, Robert Scoble used to be the official Microsoft blogger, but now he's moved on to other venues. In
this post he talks about how social media such as blogs is different from traditional media. For example, you can mix the content, and add text, photos, video, or sound clips. Additionally, it has an immediacy that "old media" lacks - you can comment on the content, you can see how many other people have commented, you can add information if the content of the post becomes dated, you can add widgets like polls and advertisements.
I sometimes wonder if bloggers are too enamored of their own selves and the blogosphere, though. Will newspapers go away any time soon? I certainly hope books stick around. However, the influence of new forms of media will certainly change the way people can communicate with each other.
Labels: blogging, scobleizer, social media