Thursday, December 17, 2009

What not to say at work

This article starts with a good premise: don't use phrases at work that refer to gross bodily functions. It also mentions some of the redundancies that crop up, such as "past history." I'm guessing we all have our own list of phrases we never want to hear again. In my case, "thinking outside the box" and "pushing the envelope" would have to be pretty close to the top. I'm also pretty much done with any references to economic stimulus, credit crunch, and bailout. The important point here is this: if you want people to listen to you, don't use trite phrases. Find your own way to say what you have to say, and people will be more likely to listen.

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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The New York Times calls out it errors

Nothing like a little preemptory self criticism: this article shows some grammar and syntax errors from this week's NY Times, with corrections. The explanations are all very clear and simple.
