Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sending a symbolic message

When you walk into a room, you present a message about yourself before you utter a single word. This message is carried in your walk, the way you dress, and the way you make eye contact with other people, as well as many other ways. There are many different forms of non-verbal communication, a few of which are detailed on this page. Here's a site that references a different sort of message, though: the mainstream fashion press has made plenty of speculation about what Mrs. Obama will wear to inaugural balls on January 21st. What if she wore (gasp!) a recycled dress? Mrs. Carter did, and it caused quite a flurry of attention and criticism. But is also is a form of non-verbal communication. In this depressed economy with many people calling for reuse of scarce resources, I can imagine the message that would be sent by such a choice.

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