Sunday, March 29, 2009

One more reason to treat others with respect

"When I was a receptionist, I routinely culled the obnoxious candidates (as well as the clearly unqualified). If someone was sweet and I could make a case for their qualifications, they would get special attention." - a comment by a reader in a blog post about treating receptionists well when you are seeking a job.

At the risk of sounding obvious, I mention this simple rule about job seeking (and life in general): treat others the way you would want to be treated. This blog post explains some reasons why treating the receptionist well might benefit you. Remember, for many firms, the receptionist is the gatekeeper, and if you want entry, you need to keep that in mind. Other than the rare hostile secretary, like Carol in the Dilbert comics, you will find that your respect and consideration are at the very least appreciated.



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