Thursday, May 27, 2010

Negotiation tactics for women

First, the good news: the pay gap between what men and women earn for comparable work is narrower than it used to be. Now, the bad news: women still earn only $.77 for every dollar earned by men in comparable jobs. A New York Times article suggests that even after you adjust for differences in women's career paths, such as taking time off for child rearing, there's still a gap. But hope is not lost. The article also describes some ways that women might negotiate for raises that are different than successful strategies used by men. For example, frame a request for a raise as a team-aware request, by explaining how it will benefit either your work group or the organization as a whole. Think about how schedule flexibility might work for both the employer and the employee. You knew there was a difference between men and women, but put that difference to work and see what you get.

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