Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bland food or spicy food?

Many years ago, I was managing the Food and Beverage Department in a large hotel in San Francisco. One day, the chef of the French restaurant came down with the day's menu and one of his items was a fish dish garnished with caviar, or fish eggs, that he called "Mother and Child Reunion." I vetoed the name because it sounded mildly offensive, and though he didn't agree, we came up with some other innocuous name. Today while researching for this post, I discovered that Paul Simon's song of the same name was called after a dish he encountered in a Chinese restaurant, though his dish was based on chicken and eggs. Well, now it turns out that the Chinese government mandated new names for some popular restaurant dishes in an effort not to offend tourists coming into the country for the Olympics. Would you rather have Chicken with no sexual life or Steamed Pullet? The author of the CNN article clearly thinks that the new names make it harder to appreciate the colorful Chinese culture. A little Bean Curd made by a pock marked woman anyone?

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